
Nutrition Webinars and Seminars

Supporting staff with information and advice on health is central to building a healthy environment at work. Choose from a range of topics from Eating for Health to Feeding Your Mental Health. I am a lively speaker with fantastic reviews from clients. I deliver engaging seminars with sense of humour and practicality that cuts through the nutrition myths and brings a huge understanding of nutrition to any audience. I deliver seminars across Ireland and Northern Ireland as well as online working with leading companies and educational institutions.

Communicating on Nutrition

A huge part of my work is helping organisations to communicate about nutrition. I work with companies and organisations to write articles, develop web-based content and media campaigns. I have worked with Safefood, Bord Iascaigh Mhara, the National Dairy Council, Benecol, and John West. Contact me to find out how I can help bring nutrition to life for your organisation.

Food Legislation, Menu Analysis and Nutrition Labelling

I have a Masters in European Food Regulation with the special interest in nutrition labelling, especially around legal, science-based nutrition and health claims. I can analyse recipes for food labels or for developing menu information for restaurants. I also review menus for nursing homes and residential care.

Let’s Work Together

Send me an email below with details of what services you are looking for and I will get back to you as soon as possible.